Fee Payments (3 options)
Fees for Initial Official Certification
Duration: 1 season
Price: $20
Processing Individal fee via CC assocated with becoming an initial Stroke & Turn or Starter/Referee Official with the Rocket City Swim League(RCSL) or other affiliated Leagues. Individual would also need to successfully complete on line testing and attend Deck Training (or other sanctioned equivalent) defined by RCSL to be fully certified as an Official.
Fees For Recertification Official
Duration: 2 seasons
Price: $10.00
Processing Individal fee via CC assocated with renewing as a Stroke & Turn or Starter/Referee Official with the Rocket City Swim League(RCSL) or other affiliated Leagues. Individual would also need to successfully complete on line testing to be fully recertified as an Official.
Multiple Fee Payment (Pool Rep only)
Duration: Varies
Price: Varies
Processing provided for Pool Rep to pay by CC of multiple fees for thier Officials. Please call or email before processing.
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Effective Official Swim Training Solutions
On line training leverages off on line videos and tests questions. Access the RCSL web page for further detail on on line testing and schedule for Deck Training!